Thursday 5 March 2009

Naan Kadavul - Aham Brahmasmi - Part 2

vanakam Nanbargalay......

I shall continue my earlier blog about the film 'Naan Kadavul' and my views about it.

The lines from my earlier blog as follows :

First and foremost, I was able to grasp four main points after seeing the movie, they are :

AHAM BRAHMASMI..............

Now The Continuation............. Instead making a lengthy blog, I thought of sharing my views about the above points through several blogs.


In life there are things which are in our control and there are lots of things which are beyond our control. While talking about things which are not in our control, in spiritual sense this will be termed as 'Fate' in English and 'Prarabda Karma' in Sanskrit. Nothing is going to change by merely brooding over the past or present sorrows. Few of the problems of self can be solved by means of brainy thinking or attitude but it is not the solution for all the problems. So just accept the life as it is and to live in the present rather than brooding about the past or imagining about the unknown future.

I asked God, 'How do I get the best out of life?'

God said,

'Face your PAST without regrets', Cannot change what has happened, so Forget it.

Handle your PRESENT with confidence.

And prepare for the FUTURE without fear !!

As we all would have heard these words frequently,

"Past is a History, Future is a Mystery, only PRESENT is the Reality, so always live in Reality (PRESENT)."

I consider the words from the song 'Maratha Vechavan' from the Tamil Movie 'Panakkaran' as the very best explanation to this point "TO LIVE IN PRESENT LIFE, AS HOWEVER IT IS".

I shall continue the other points shortly.

-- Vartaa....


chinku said...

hello Mr. Kasi,keep rocking.ur blogs r really good.

Anonymous said...

Kasi it the statement of Living in the moment really doesn't have any meaning isn't it.. it's just in words..

What does it mean in reality? Can someone be in that moment?

Now define me what is the moment? seconds/minute/hour/day/year??

many have told it but none have lived like that (some people say that they are living like that) but those are very very minimal isn't it.. just to say that too

Rajesh Subramanian said...

Kasi, I guess you are trying out your finesse with philosophy going out of the way from your usual sense of humor! Good Beginning!!

Rajesh Subramanian said...

regarding this post, I completely agree with Mr.Arul Mani's Comment. I dont think its that common to practice. Also I feel that, your life will miss some spice if you dont have the curiosity for the future and an appreciability for the past!

ChromepetKasi said...

God.. I never thought so much varying views will be there for this post..

Anyway let me try to stress once again the exact view of this post.

Thats a good question from Arul,: Define Moment?
In my view, I am answering now to your question.. this is the MOMENT for me.. Similarly when you read this answer.. thats the MOMENT for you. Now this term 'MOMENT' can be replaced by any good words in english as per reader's chocie..

Coming to Rajesh's views. "Life will miss some spice if there is no CURIOSITY for Future and APPRECIABILITY for the past.

A person attains balanced state of mind, only when he lives in the present moment. When the past thoughts clouds the mind, for sure that will be emotional moments for that person. Similarly when imaginary Future thoughts/dreams exists it will be a virtual illusionary world for that person.

When this Emotional Past and Illusionary Future is differentiated with the present moment there starts the REALITY.

It is always good to think of Past events, but it might give just a temporary relief/joy to our mind. Other than that nothing we will achieve with these past thoughts.

Similary when we cannot decide whats going to happen the next second, dreaming about exciting Future gives only a temporary pleasure and results in failing to enjoy the PRESENT joyous Moments.

To say precisely, to have a balanced state of mind, we should always be in the PRESENT MOMENT..

A big lecture can be given about this topic with respect to spiritual contents, but that will be through personal mails and not through this blogs.

Arul Mani said...


Kasi only if we are inactive or actionless then there is a possibility to live in that moment.

If you are acting or alive then obviously the mind is ahead of that moment or not in it..

If you are going to say thinking about something is also living in that moment then i agree, bcoz that means whatever u are doing you are always in that moment or there's nothing called moment...

I honestly believe that people who have thought about past and thought about future have only created many things for themselves as well as for others..

Even for that matter the yogi's did the same to get started they had to think that what will be their future after death etc., etc.,

I think these statements such as Living in Moment, take life as it comes are beautiful statements but has no meaning in it. It's just like the hell and heaven, to confuse people and ensure that we all are in the state of fear or confusion.

Just be natural quite naturally all the human think of the past and future there's nothing called that moment..


ChromepetKasi said...

Happy to have conversation atleast through this place.. Great..

Arul as per your Words :
"If you are acting or alive then obviously the mind is ahead of that moment or not in it.."

Finally I feel you are nearing the exact meaning of the word 'MOMENT'. Yes, when you analyse the things with your mind, you are obviously ahead of moment. That is, your thought process is ON.. This is what I am saying.. When your thought process is ON you might only think about Past or Future and not live in the PRESENT (MOMENT). Stop the thought process, then you will enjoy the MOMENT.

Again as per your Words:
"Even for that matter the yogi's did the same to get started they had to think that what will be their future after death etc., etc.,"

When you say or talk about YOGIS, here I exclude all the false people proclaiming themselves as Guru or Yogi.. A real Saint/Yogi/Guru will not possess anything for himself, so he is not worried about their future or death. It is the normal human associated with Yogis/Gurus make money out of their Gurus name & fame and will live in materialistic way and think about Future.

There are several REAL YOGIS/GURUS who had nothing with them until their death. No True Yogis will think about their future after death. There is no death for such real yogis.

As per a great saint, Sleep is a temporary death and death is a Permanent sleep. It is the Athma(soul) only gets departed and merges with Paramathma(divine). Their body is just a mere instrument to hold their athma(soul). Every Saint's athma(soul) will strive to merge with divine after so called death. So no True Gurus/Yogis will think about their future after death.

What do you mean by leading a NATURAL LIFE?. What is Natural and What Is Life?

s.mani said...

well I accept with u if the whole world become dark but if a person is cool and if he never losses his confidence,belief on god no matter whatever it is the victory is possible even at the last lap of a race . So what I mean to say is past records have nothing to do with the present . Dont repent for ur past but just keep moving afterall life is to live

ChromepetKasi said...

I think you are contradicting your earlier views.. This is what I am saying from the begining, never think about Past or future.. just live the present.

But I am happy at last you agreed with my views & changed your perspective about Past and Future. Good.

Arul Mani said...

Stop the thought process, then you will enjoy the MOMENT

are you asking me to be action less??

YOGIS don't possess anything for themselves i agree.. but for them the seeking is different not money not fame etc., etc., but there's seeking.. when you are seeking that means you don't have it now and you believe it's in you and you start looking for it.. If they just stop thinking/acting/doing (all of which requires planning and seeing the end) the wouldn't have attained what they have done now..

Now we use Blog, to comment about this which is only a creation of a thinker who was able to see the future a little earlier..

Natural Life is simple just be with your thought process that's all.. don't stop.. don't change, don't switch.. Just be with it.. only kasi and few other proclaimed good guru's are talking about this..
naturally even as a kid you cannot live in that moment except for few time.. for ex first time i see a butterfly.. now i either map to some other flying object or think i can only walk. it happens naturally right....

Man i really don't understand what the hell is living in that moment..

I don't even understand athma, body is a device.. all this are words.. if you look for the meaning and if you think/believe you can experience it.. it's only by thinking applying having a goal.. otherwise everything has no meaning with it