Sunday 28 June 2009

UID's....Appreciable Adaptation

Hi Everyone,

Finally, I decide to break the shackles of dormancy with this post. Since so much has been said and discussed about Chromepet, I thought of jumping into totally different topics to write about.

There was a discussion between me and my roommate about a news article published a couple of days back []. It was about the implementation of a new system called Unique Identification cards (UID's) by the Govt. of India.

As the news post claims, by employing this UID, each and every citizen of India can be taken into account and can be acknowledged for his economical and educational status and else more. It will be one of the most appreciable adaptation by India, of the already successfully existing system called Social Security Number (SSN's) in United states of America which accounts for each and every individual who earns taxable dollars. I feel that, rather than just westernizing in culture, which we should not have done, adaptation of infrastructure and governing schemes of developed countries should be given importance to put India on fast track to become a developed nation.

The best part of the discussion we had on this matter, is on what benefits it would serve on a future prospective just other than serving as yet another identification card. I felt it very interesting to share it here.

Once this UID's are implemented, as promised it will "count and account" for each citizen of India of his/her economical and educational status. If that happens, the Govt. of India should be able to identify and classify different sections of the society on a economical and education basis. If we can do that, then we can focus on employing reservation for different sections of society based entirely on economic status which many of us would highly recommend and strongly wish for.....Of course, it is easier said than done, but still its the thought that counts most. A good thought is half-work done and rest is only about execution.

[Thought courtesy - to my roommate Pradeep]

Rajesh Subramanian

1 comment:

ChromepetKasi said...

Welcome Rajesh, Thats an excellent entry to this blogs area by you with an intellectual post.

Its really interesting to know about this UIDs.. If implemented properly and timely, I am sure our country will benefit a lot out of it.

Only fear I have is, this UIDs, should not be Unlimited Identification Cards (UID),like a person holds 10 cards in 10 different names. Our politicians are very well known for all such brainy work.!!